
发布时间:2023-05-05 20:03:19阅读量:170

not直接加句子 精选29句

1. Not to perform, not to hurt, never expect, not your, not to come, doomed, must happen, live not to please anyone, not to wronged yourself.

2. Why ever or Why on earth is used to add emphasis and to show shock or surprise:

3. not通常与be动词、助动词、情态动词连用以构成否定,常略作-n't。如果否定非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词),则置于非谓语动词之前。如:

4. used to insist on his own opinions or ideas:

5. “Why not ...?” is used to make a suggestion:

6. I'm not racing. I'm not!

7. 注意有时英语否定主句,而汉语译成否定后面的宾语从句

8. a) He is not more wounded than you. 他的伤不如你的重。

9. not与all、both、every、always、entirely等连用时可表示部分否定。如:

10. not busy; not otherwise committed.

11. Why is used in indirect questions:

12. xxxAll, both 或 every (包括 everything, everybody, everywhere 等)+ 否定式谓语 + …… ”不是全部否定,只是部分否定

13. Why is used on its own as a response:

14. Always remember to leave some room for life, not rash, not decadent, not nervous, not relaxed, get not complacent, lose not depressed, gain and loss between calm.

15. Not extravagant, not depressed, not degenerate.

16. Not the financial industry, not capitalism, not globalization.

17. I don't suppose (that) she will come. 我猜想她不会来。

18. Because I'm not perfect.I'm not... rich, I'm not brilliant.I'm.

19. Did not Ido right?

20. Knowledgeable scholars, not to change, not to be true, not to adjust, not to know, not to distinguish, not to be wise, not to group, not to understand, not to ask, not to enter.

21. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure;

22. Why should … is used when we are annoyed about something:

23. That’s why …is used to give a reason:

24. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.

25. “Why not ...?” is used to express agreement:

26. He could not or would not say.

27. It is going to blow hard. 要刮大风吧。

28. so和not与引述动词连用

29. Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.

not直接加句子 精选31句

1. Why not justice? Why not honor? Why not piety?

2. Judge not, that ye be not judged.

3. Some things, not do not know, but do not want to know, some words, not do not say, but do not have to say, some injuries, not pain, but not pain, some people, not love, but not love.

4. He can no more swim than I can fly. 他不能游泳,如同我不能飞一样。[ 从本句中能明显地看出,more 是单独作比较级使用。本句直译为:“他能游泳绝不比我能飞的可能性大。xxx“我不能飞”这是事实,但通过这种对比,却把“他不能游泳”也刻画出来了。同时必须指出,本句中还可用“not any more (= no more ) 和 than”连用的形式代替“no more 和 than”的连用,即可改写为:He cannot swim any more than I can fly. ]

5. All the answers are not right. (部分否定) = Not all the answers are right. 答案未必全对。

6. He does not wholly ( altogether 或 entirely ) agree. 他并不完全同意。

7. 在主从复合句中,not一般根据需要对主句或从句进行否定。如:

8. Are you not wounded?

9. 在“be+not (或no)+表语”结构中,用 not 仅是一般的否定,而用 no 作“决不”、“丝毫不”讲,否定语气比 not 强

10. Not fit for breathing; not respirable.

11. Some things do not care, but do not want to say, some people are not hurt, but do not mind, some love is not missing, but not.

12. It is not arbitrary, it is to grasp the opportunity, not pessimistic, not stereotyped, not flurried, not forget.

13. Why, as a question word, is used to ask about reasons and explanations:

14. if后的so和not

15. 在“not more(或其他词的比较级) ...than... ”和“no more(或其他词的比较级)...than...”中,前者为一般否定,而后者不仅使than前面内容被否定,也使 than 后面的内容也被否定,但原文在 than 后却不出现任何否定词

16. not 用于表示主句后面被否定的省略句

17. Demography is not destiny.

18. Ventilation system not operational.

19. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.

20. Oh, he's not dead, not...not yet.

21. Do not repeat not overtake.

22. Try not. Do or do not.

23. Is not caking, not deliquescent.

24. 与数字连用时,not more than ten 为“不超过10”(即至多10,也许低于10),而 no more than 10则为“只有10”(着重表示“决不超过10,而只有10那么多”之意,给人以“数量不够大”的口气。not less than 50 为“至少50”(也许不止50),而 no less than 50 则为“达到50”或“竟然有50”,并给人以“数量不小的”口气。因此,还可加译“竟然”或“高达”等字。注意这种用法还可推广到表示长、宽、厚等方面

25. 用so替代形容词

26. no later than 11 o'clock 最晚11点钟(甚至不到11点钟)

27. I do not think (that) the test will end in failure. 我认为试验不会以失败而告终。

28. His brother no less than you is wrong. (至少)跟你一样,他的兄弟也错了。

29. Jake: no, not anymore.

30. Not tights, not socks.

31. Not three not four.

not直接加句子 精选9句

1. not用在动词think、suppose、believe、expect、hope、seem等,副词probably、perhaps等,及词组be afraid等后面,代替that引导的表示否定意义的从句。如:

2. Every one cannot answer. (部分否定) = Not everyone can answer. 并非人人都能答上来。只有改为“No one can answer”时,才能译为“没有一个人能答上来。”

3. do so

4. The old house is not quite what it should be. 这老房子并不十分合乎理想。

5. Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned.

6. More do not want to, do not get do not.

7. If you're not stressed, you're not succeeding.

8. Is there any doubt about it? 关于这件事还有什么疑义吗?

9. 当否定式谓语和 always,often,quite, entirely,wholly,altogether 连用时,一般都是部分否定